Тише, заговоры устраивают гораздо тише!
1) Хмельной эльф
Размер: Миди
Хоук пытался собраться с мыслями, но это оказалось сложнее, чем он думал: с рукой Фенриса в его груди все сказанное начало казаться слишком серьезным, слишком личным. Хотя куда уж более лично, чем гребаная рука в груди.

2) Counting Slowly
Words: 5.061
Five times Fenris and m!Hawke tried new things in bed.

3) Let Me Show You
Words: 11.044
After all the crap he went through with Danarius and Tevinter, I'm pretty sure Fenris would have a rather warped vision of sex. Like it's an act in which one of the pair will inevitably suffer and withstand pain and humiliation for the other one's pleasure. However, he loves Hawke, and after all that he's done for him he's willing to endure it.
Of course, when Hawke sees him on his bed like he's going to get a beating instead of a long night of manloving, will decide to prove him wrong and show him how actually sex between two people in love can easily be one of the greatest things ever.

4) Ace in the Hole
Words: 52.052
Hawke spends most of his time getting rich and getting drunk (not necessarily in that order) while playing cards in taverns. While away from Kirkwall, he ends up playing against an overly confident Danarius who bets his slave, Fenris, as the main prize. (AU with canon setting)

5) Скинь оковы
Размер: Драббл
Открой глаза и скинь оковы, не глупи. Слышишь, как приятно металл лязгает об бетонный пол, когда рукам становится неожиданно легко, а ноги снова могут идти?

@темы: Dragon Age, Реки